What Does Balance Look Like?

When you think about balance, do you imagine a set of vintage kitchen scales with the little weights piled on the left and your mum gently tapping the flour out of the bag into the metal tray on the right until it looks perfect? Maybe yours is a different image, but what I want to challenge here is the idea that there is a perfect balance, that there is a point when we will be able to say ‘yes, that’s it, I’ve reached balance!’

I don’t think balance works at all like that. What might create balance for one person may look completely different to another, in fact your own balance will vary day to day, season to season and year to year!

I like to think of balance as more of a pendulum motion. Let me explain. Two of my core values are ‘freedom’ and ‘connection’, and when I set off in my motorhome nearly 18 months ago I was looking for more freedom in my life. I didn’t want to be beholden to anything, not even a diary or an alarm clock. And I did it! I’ve experienced glorious freedom and had some amazing adventures some of which will stay with me for the rest of my life. However, imagine (if you will) this huge pendulum with freedom at one end and connection at the other. What I had managed to do is swing so far into my ‘freedom’ value that I started to feel alone, I had neglected my need for connection, and somehow that meant I no longer felt free.

I like to think there’s a sweet spot around the middle, more of a range than a perfect middle, and by keeping in that range we are more content and balanced. My sweet spot will probably look a lot different to yours, so its all about figuring out what’s important to you and sometimes that takes a little trial and error, and honestly it’s always good to test those edges too as comfort zones can be a little too ‘comfortable’.

There are a few ways that balance comes into play when we are looking at living a wealthy life:

  • Balancing your values as well as balancing the money.

  • Balancing the now with the future – if like me you are very much a ‘now’ person it can be hard to think about planning for the future. Interestingly, I’ve found that if I have a plan for the future it’s much easier to be present in the now. In terms of money for me this means I have a future fund set aside to help future me keep living in the now!

  • Balance between what you spend on your day to day living vs having money for those more ‘one off’ things and experiences.

  • Balance between saving and spending.

  • Balance between you and others. Do you want to be able to contribute to others financially?

Every single one of us will find a different balance and that’s what this program is all about - how to find yours. Learn more and book a non-obligation call by clicking here!


Hi there I’m Gail Bainbridge - money coach and mentor. I am on a mission to transform our relationships with money. I teach people to find money that they didn’t know they had for the things that are important to them. If you enjoyed this blog sign up to my newsletter to be the first to read all my money musings.

Gail Bainbridge