No-fuss money management to improve your relationship and make money work for you.
Let me ask you this:
Does the money you have coming in just disappear out?
Do you have debt and feel like you should pay that off BEFORE you do anything else?
Do you think - I probably should have a pension? - and then immediately forget about it again until next time that thought pops up?
Do you think you should budget better but you hate feeling restricted?
There is an easier way
I wrote this course for me - to manage my money - because all that describes how I felt too. This is the best thing I have ever done and its made my relationship with money so much better.
I want that for you too - let me show you my life-changing approach to managing your personal finances.
No more stress, no more guilt.
And here’s what we’re going to do:
Set up a simple no-fuss money management system customised to you and your life
Save money based on your priorities
Spend money guilt free - yes even on ‘extravagances’
Make decisions about your future and how you save for it (or not)
Clear your debt without feeling like you’re on a money diet
Oh and let’s deal with some of that stuff in your head too. (Mindset work)
So let’s be honest here for a second
No one talks about money, you don’t, your parents certainly didn’t - let’s face it even with your closest friends you’d rather talk about sex or politics.
Life is hectic too right? Where are you going to find the time to sit down and look at money? - and you really don’t want to get into ANOTHER fight about it!
You want to understand your money, feel in control, make decisions and be able to spend on the things you love without guilt.
You want to feel more wealthy right now, where you are, with what you already have!
I can help!
Hi I’m Gail - I spent 20 years as an accountant helping other people manage money (but not mine). Understanding the numbers alone wasn’t enough, why with all my experience did I still found myself constantly in debt? I spent 18 months really going to work - on myself - to uncover why I found it so hard.
What I discovered is that money literally messes with our heads - it triggers fears around survival and our instinct is to runaway, hide or fight (if theres someone to fight).
This course doesn’t just show you a no-fuss money management system - it looks at the mindset side too - understanding why you react the way you do, and how you can start to change that.
This course is for you because life is too short to spend it worrying about money!

Step by Step:
➡️ Understand why the way you think about money could be holding you back.
➡️ Figure out what it is thats really important to you - trust me, its not money;
➡️ See where your money goes and what you actually have;
➡️ Look at savings differently - learn new ways to think about saving and decide what you want for you.
➡️ Set up the simple structures to manage your money
➡️ Enjoy the feeling of freedom and guilt free spending
This program is not for you if:
You are struggling to pay your bills day to day;
You have a large amount of debt (There are many agencies that can help you deal with your debt without costing you money);
You aren’t going to actually complete the course - seriously there is no magic fairy coming to rescue you here.
You are looking for a quick money-making scheme - this program is about making the most of what you already have.
You hate structure of any kind - this one is simple but it does require some setting up..
Structure of the Program
I originally ran this course as an 8 week group program, each week has a workbook and materials to work through, you do not have to do them weekly please go at your own pace. I do advise doing them in order.
Week One - What’s your Story?
Time to get stuck in and we start with a bit of work around your money mindset, and by money mindset what I mean is the way that you think and feel about money.
3 exercises to help you to identify those stories and also work on re-framing them so they don’t hold you back.
Week Two - Values
What is it thats really important to you? What is it that you want more of in your life? - Hint: It’s really not money.
3 exercises (plus two bonus exercises) to help you uncover your own priorities and values.
Week Three - Getting to Know Your Numbers
A look at your day to day living costs. What regular recurring payments do you have and what do you spend money on day to day.
2 exercises and 3 printable templates.
Week Four - What do you have?
What is the balance in your bank accounts? Do you have savings, investments, pensions, any debts or loans? We look at what you have whist understanding that your true worth is never reflected in a bank balance.
3 exercises a printable template and an additional resource on debt and savings.
Week Five - What does balance look like for you?
Now v The Future
Things v Experiences
Where you live- what is home?
Balance is personal its something we create. Where does yours lie?
3 exercises for you to work through and a bonus (optional) mindful spending challenge.
Week Six - Savings and Contribution
Let me introduce to you a whole new way to think about savings with my three tiered approach - the safety net; savings for spending; and savings for the future.
This is where guilt free spending is born!
We also look at how you can set up meaningful savings goals for the future (when you are ready)
2 exercises, a savings calculator printable and an additional savings workbook.
Simple Structures
Week Seven - Your money your rules
This is where we take everything you’ve just learned and look at how you want to structure your money in a way that works for you.
1 exercise to set up your money wheel
Week Eight - Setting up your wealth pots.
How I use a setup and forget automated system for my spending and saving. A step by step guide.
When do I receive the materials? You will have access to all materials immediately.
How much time will it take? There are 8 workbooks in total and supporting worksheets and articles as needed. Most workbooks will take between 1 and 2 hours.
How are the materials delivered? All materials are housed in ThriveCart Learn. You will receive an email with your login details after purchasing.
Is there a money back guarantee? Yes, contact me within 14 days for your money back. I really want to help you with this though so I would love to find out what didn’t work for you and see if I can help.