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Still feeling nervous about talking money?

Tired of that sick feeling you get when you think about talking to ANYONE about your finances, the ‘I might just vomit on my own shoes’ moment - it doesn’t have to be like that.

I’ll tell you a secret - there are many VERY successful business owners that still feel like that - trust me I’ve been doing this a while!

It only takes a little bit of knowledge to lift that confidence and the beauty is that you can then take the confidence and learn some more.

AND it doesn’t have to be hard work!

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Introducing Money Basics for Business

A 30 minute pre-recorded video training covering:

➡ Why you need a separate business account.

➡ Choosing and setting up your account.

➡Tracking your income and expenses.

➡ Accounting software.

➡ Stewardship of your money

➡ Noticing resistance & stories

£7 for the next 15 mins
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