Stressed out about money and business finances and wish you had someone in your back pocket that you could ask all of those burning questions?

Someone who has experience of working in the finance industry AND growing their own business - someone who speaks in plain English so you actually understand what’s being said.

Then you’re in the right place!

I’m offering a very special Day of Voxer just for Lizzy’s BFFs!

If you’re a UK business owner who’s craving 1:1 support, this Day of Voxer taster session is perfect for you.


Do you find yourself asking questions like…

What the heck is my accountant even talking about?

Is it possible to invest in my business AND pay off my debt?

Am I charging too much? Not enough? Aaagh! How do I get it right? 

How do I even manage my money when I don’t know what’s coming in and going out?

Should I be a Limited Company? 

I feel quite negative about money and stuff that’s happened in the past - how do I get past that?

But just Googling these questions ISN’T bringing you anything helpful

There are a million different answers to everything and you’re pretty sure at least half of them are written in a made-up language. 

PLUS, none of these answers take into account your personal situation and circumstances. They don’t take into account what’s going on in your business (or life) right now or what’s happened before.

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These are the questions you can ask me on our Day of Voxer taster session!

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How does this thing work, Gail? 

This is an exclusive FREE taster session for Lizzy’s BFFs (UK businesses only) to give you a feel for what it’s like to work with me 1:1 or join my Small Business Money Club.

Here’s how it’s going to work.

1. Sign up

Use the form below to sign up. All I need right now is your name and email address. As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive a confirmation email from me with all of the info you need.

2. Get set up on Voxer

If you don’t already have a Voxer account, you can set one up in just a couple of minutes - it’s completely free too!

We’ll add each other on Voxer, and connect in advance to make sure that everything is working and we’re ready to go when your session time comes round.

3. Ask your question(s)

We have X hours for you to ask your question(s) and for me to reply. We can go back and forth, mull things over and really get to the bottom of what’s troubling you right now. 

Note: Like with my office hours in Small Business Money Club, I will be chatting with, and answering questions from everyone on the same day.

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    Why Choose Me?

    • 20 yrs experience as a Chartered Accountant helping 100's of small businesses grow.

    • I speak plain English

    • Ran my own successful business for 8 years, worked with a business partner, employed a team of 5, and sold the business for 6 figures.

    • Worked with everyone - start-ups to £10m businesses.

    • Obsessed with helping people with money so that they can live the life they want.

    • I have been in debt, £25k of debt, I know how it feels to have it, and how it feels to pay it off.

    • Expert at simplifying all things money.

    • I understand, and work with,  the emotional side of money. We all have deep-seated beliefs (including me).


    What Lizzy has to say about working together…

    As this is an exclusive offer for Lizzy’s business friends, it only seems right to share what she thinks about working with me!


    Hiring Gail was the turning point I needed to get on top of my money stuff once and for all. 

    Finally having someone to ask all my silly questions to, and actually trusting her answer was such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. 

    I felt like I could breathe again, I had someone supporting me, talking me through things in manageable baby steps. 

    It's no surprise that 2020 was ~£320k and 2021 (finally registering as a Limited Company with Gail's help!) was ~£460k. 

    It's amazing what proper support will allow you to achieve.  

    You need a Gail.

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