Case Studies

from people who have completed the full program

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Kirsteen Faulkner


Why did you decide to sign up for this program?

Because I didn't feel that I managed money well, and it seemed to always disappear quickly out of my life.

What was your favourite part about the program and why?

The group calls, it was so helpful to talk through any challenges each week and hear about other people's relationships with money. Just to TALK about money so openly was refreshing because my relationship with it has always felt like quite a hidden shameful thing for me!

What are the biggest changes you've seen in your finances (and your life!) since you started working through the program?

I've stopped burying my head in the sand, that was a big one! I consider my values when making decisions around work and money.

I felt inept at dealing with money before and now I now I have the tools and processes I can use to manage it well and refer back to.

How would you describe the way you felt about money before signing up? How about now?

I found it scary, out of control and had decided only materialistic people wanted it anyway.

I actually love money, I'd like to earn lots of it and I am excited to use it to plan for my future.

What was the most unexpected outcome of this program?

Getting rid of my view of money being 'bad' and that rich people are greedy & selfish, and realising that I actually want lots of money in my life. That having lots of money can create freedom, and give me the opportunity to help my loved ones and others.

Also releasing if I manage money well the capacity I already have for 'giving back'.

Who would you recommend this program to?

Anyone who has negative stories around money, and people who want to create a plan for their future.

What would you say to those on the fence about signing up for this program?

Do it!! it is filled with tools that will transform your relationship with money, and it is also fun, and Gail is awesome.